Looking for a sticker kit for surron light bee then you are in the right place, pre designed kits are available in our shop, custom sur-ron sticker kits are also available, If you want a surron graphics kit you’re in the right place!
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Our sur-ron sticker kits are made using the same vinyl and laminate as Motocross graphics kits
Sur Ron Light Bee X
Sporting a robotic geometry, matte black finish, and spiky off-road tires. Light Bee X looks like it associates with Kylo Ren from Star Wars. The bike’s structure resembles a cross between a mountain bike and a dirt bike and this means it can traverse all sorts of terrain. At just 110lbs, getting stuck just means picking the bike up and over whatever’s in your way.
The bike’s size and seat height of 31 inches also suggests both adults and taller teens can safely and comfortably operate the bike. Although Sur Ron’s age recommendation says “adults only.”
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Electrek Review: SurRon is a monster electric bike with 50 miles of range and insane top speed
Electric bikes are not here just to help you get up some steep hills anymore. Electric motors are making their way in all segments of bicycles, scooters, and motorcycles.
The Sur-Ron lives in between those segments as a monster ebike with 50 miles of range and an insane 50 mph top speed.
Calling the Sur Ron an “electric bike” is pushing it, you could call it an electric motorbike or at the very least, an electric dirt bike or moped.
Officially, you couldn’t really pass it as an electric bike in most markets with power limitations since the electric motor of the Sur Ron is rated at about 6 kW.
It is also not really a motorcycle in terms of performance with about 50 miles (80 km) of range and a top speed of about 50 mph (80 km/h). You would also need some mods, like brake lights and mirrors, to make it legal.
Therefore, the vehicle is sold as an off-road ebike and a crazy one at that.
The Sur-Ron is built on a custom aluminum dirt bike frame that weighs in at about 110 lbs (50 kg). It is quite heavy for an electric bike – but fairly light for a dirt bike.
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